
What is Ethereum (ETH) 2?

What is Ethereum 2.0? Ethereum 2.0, sometimes called Eth2 or Serenity, is an upgrade to the Ethereum blockchain. It aims to increase the speed, efficiency, and scalability of the Ethereum network while not compromising its security or decentralization.

What is Serenity 2 (eth2)?

那什么是ETH 2.0? 以太坊2.0 ( “Serenity”) 是对当前以太坊主网的重大升级,旨在通过提高其性能来加速以太坊的使用和应用。 这次升级通过提高网络的速度,效率和可扩展性来大大增加交易量,减轻以太坊网络的拥堵和高昂的交易成本,这将使得以太坊达到一个新的高度。 以太坊2.0的概念在以太坊社区中早已存在。 为了解决工作量证明区块链的限制,以太坊的基本共识机制就一直在发生变化。 在2015年7月发布Mainnet Frontier(前沿)之后,以太坊2.0计划对以太坊主网进行多次升级,即: 不同于以太坊1.0只能达到15 TPS的吞吐量, 以太坊2.0每秒可处理上千至上万笔交易(甚至更多) ,同时不用降低其去中心化程度。

What is the ETH 2.0 release date?

Despite each part of ETH 2.0 being worked on in parallel, they have certain dependencies that determine the ETH 2.0 release date. The three elements are The Beacon Chain, The Merge and Shard chains. The Beacon Chain, which brings PoS to Ethereum, went live on 1 December 2020.

Will ETH 2.0 change the ETH people hold?

As ETH 2.0 is not a new coin, it will not change the ETH people hold. The Merge will most likely affect Ether miners more than holders, as the shift to PoS will see staking take over from mining as the means by which transactions on the Ethereum blockchain are approved.


